
Practical public speaking camp in Biršton

The cost of the event
440.00 - 480.00
Event date
2024-10-10 To 2024-10-11


Purpose of training:

Develop the skills of effective public speaking, preparation and presentation of memorable messages, familiarize with the principles of creating speeches, keeping the audience's attention, learn to control stage fright and stress.

Various exercises and practical tasks will allow participants to see and evaluate themselves in a certain situation, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and learn to improve their public speaking skills independently even after the training is over.

Participants will learn:

  • How to overcome and take advantage of obstacles and fears related to public speaking?

  • What are the mistakes that beginner speakers make and how to avoid them?

  • How to control the level of stage fright and non-verbal signals sent by the body in a stressful situation?

  • How to plan, create and conduct original and attractive presentations?

  • How to create a personal and stage image adapted to a specific group of listeners?

  • How to consciously gesture and control the body?

  • How to surprise the audience and create the necessary tension during the speech?

  • How to create a space for effective discussion?

  • How to be more confident?

  • How to quickly and effectively respond to unforeseen situations and deal with audience objections?

  • What arguments to use and how to behave in conflict situations