
The play "Spa Romance"

The cost of the event
19.00 - 29.00
Event date
2024-09-21 19:00 To 20:00


The director Dainius Kazlauskas, who returned to the theater stage just last year after a break of almost 12 years, presents his latest work - the musical play "Spa Romance", in which he will not only act, but we will also see him singing live - the performance will feature Lithuanian pop songs. The story will tell about the relationship between a man and a woman and will take the audience to the second half of the last century, to a city where almost everyone has warm memories and sentiments - Palanga.
"I wrote the play in order to stage a performance in which one of my favorite songs would sound - Danutė Neimontaitė's "Black Train". To be honest, I wanted to do something to bring back that childhood feeling, when I would come home on rainy Sundays, wrap myself in a blanket and watch Song of Songs. I think that many of us have a connection with Lithuanian pop songs - they will sound new in the performance, new arrangements are being created. I really wanted to stage a performance dedicated to that particular 20th century. for the period of the second half", says D. Kazlauskas.

According to the director, there will be a lot of intrigue and laughter in the performance, but the story will still revolve around fundamental values - love, closeness, respect, openness to each other, so everyone will find familiar emotions and experiences in it. The play "Spa Romance" will also be wrapped in sentiments for past times.
"For some, it will be beloved songs, for others - details of clothing, for others, maybe words that were popular at the time, but now almost no longer heard, such as ``sold out,'' says D. Kazlauskas. - I want this story to be very warm - both for us on stage and for the audience."

Actress Lina Rastokaitė, Renata Kutinaitė, Andrius Povilauskas and the director Dainius Kazlauskas will take turns in the two-person play. "Andrius is an old good friend of mine, we have worked with him a lot and have made a lot of money, Renata and I have been working together for a long time, and I was the first to offer the role to Lina - back when I was just writing the play. It's nice to gather such talented people in one group and realize their professional dreams together."

Director of the play: Dainius Kazlauskas.
HER: Lina Rastokaitė, Renata Kutinaitė.
HE: Dainius Kazlauskas, Andrius Povilauskas.
Costume and scenography designer: Indrė Pacėsaitė.