
Deck Boat Classic


"Deck Boat Classic" is a modern, comfortable boat, made in the USA, and can accommodate a group of up to 12 people.
On board - quality leather soft soles, two tables, audio equipment, sun and rain awning (with clip-on transparent sides). The ship is adapted for both fast and slower sailing.
This boat takes place in the Birštonas loop regional park, visiting the most picturesque places of the Birštonas resort, and viewing the natural landscape of this area.

Deck Boat Classic can accommodate up to 12 people at a time.
Boat rental price - 60 EUR / 1 hour.

1 hour 20 minutes excursion on the Birštonas-Verknė route, viewing the "Goat Shoulders".
Price: adults - 10 EUR, children up to 5 years with adult supervision - free.

Swimming takes place with a group of at least 8 people.
Schedule of regular sailings is planned.
Fridays - 6 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundays - 2 and 4 p.m.


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