Birštonas and Kaga - a partnership of cities

2023/05/16 Business

Mayor of Birštonas Municipality Nijolė Dirginčienė, representing Birštonas Municipality, on May 12. signed a cooperation agreement with the city of Kaga, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.

The Lithuanian resort town of Birštonas becomes the 4th Lithuanian city to sign a friendship agreement with a Japanese partner city. The first three are Kudži-Klaipėda, Jaocu-Kaunas and Tojohashis-Panevėžys partnerships.

The two cities agreed to develop cooperation in various fields such as tourism, culture, education, sustainable living environment and innovation to promote prosperity and growth. Birštonas and Kaga - both famous resort towns - have many similarities and great potential to grow together.

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