
Ragging Affairs

education / cultural passport

I'm in a hurry, I'm running - I have a lot to do: collect rags, sort them, count, rip, cut, knit, weed and believe that I'll have children - lazy ones! I will also show you my holdings: a laundry dryer, a "terbelia" factory, a cloud pasture... I will introduce you to my neighbor Giant, who always forgets his shoes. And then I will teach you - to collect, count, sort, not lie, braid, tie and not pick!
You will go home dressed in your own handmade rag "terbels". Not empty! You will insert a button that you will pull from my bag of lucky buttons.

Recommended for 5-8 year old children and families.
Education takes place in the visitor center of the Nemunas loop regional park .
Price: 5 EUR.

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