
We are baking cookies

education / cultural passport

We will make kūčiukai – knead the dough, roll it out, cut it and bake it. Hostess in the kitchen will bring the family together. We will talk about Christmas traditions: how we decorate the table, how many and what dishes we put on it. Each housewife bakes kūčiukai differently – larger, smaller, with or without poppy seeds. And they call them very differently: prėskučiai, šližikai, kleckučiai... We will discuss what Christmas traditions are in foreign countries, what makes Lithuanian kūčiukai special? Or maybe your family has its own Christmas traditions, what could they be in your future? It is fun to bake, and fun to taste. We will taste it traditionally with poppy seed milk. Poppy seed milk is one of the most archaic flavors of Christmas Eve. Christmas is the eve of the miracle of St. Christmas, a celebration of reconciliation and sacrifice. For children, it is also a time of mysteries, spells and games. We will learn spells, play games, and look forward to the joy of Christmas Eve and Christmas.

Price: 6 Eur

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